Water glassing Eggs

This old fashioned method preserves your eggs long-term for up to two years without refrigeration. I personally only need 8 months (or over winter) to keep mine fresh. But this is a historical method that pioneers would use. Let’s say your chickens are at the top of their egg-laying in spring and summer. This will allow you to enjoy those eggs all winter long! You can do this at any given time and do not need to wait and do this all at once either. I place the eggs in my lime water as I get them. 


  • 8 oz Hydrated lime (slaked or pickling lime)
  • 8 quarts Room temperature water
  • Fresh eggs


Food grade storage container


  1. You will need a CLEAN storage for your eggs. A 5 gallon food grade storage bucket or giant glass bucket. I like to use old butter 3-5 gallon churn jars for this! 
  2. Next, add enough water to the container. You want to make sure there is enough for your eggs to be submerged in. 
  3. Measure your water and lime ratio so that it equals 1 ounce of lime for every 1 quart of water. 
  4. Add your lime to the clean water and whisk until everything is dissolved. The water should look milky white.
  5. Gently add your FRESH UNWASHED eggs. Make sure they are clear of manure or dirt. If they are dirty you cannot use them. They must be gathered clean from the egg box. There is a protective layer around the eggs that will keep them preserved in the lime water.
  6. Now lets put the eggs in the lime water. Position them with the small side down
  7. When your ready to use the eggs you simply want to rinse them off and they will be ready to go!

A few things to keep in mind

If your eggs will be somewhere you might forget about for a bit then you might want to make sure your water does not evaporate in the containers. You can keep a lid on them or add a little bit of olive oil to the top. If you notice evaporation happening you can mix a quart of water with 1 ounce of lime and add to the container as needed!

If you notice eggs floating pull them out. They did not have the proper protective layer to seal. This is a rare problem, but easy to spot as you will see the eggs floating to the top. 

The lime will settle

Don’t be almarmed when the lime settles a bit. This is perfectly normal.

Will the eggs taste off?

No. They should taste just like a fresh egg.

Will this pickle the eggs?

No. It’s going to keep the fresh egg in raw form.

What is hydrated lime?

It is a combination of oyster shells, bones, and limestone that has been burnt in a film. This is a vey natural product free of anything synthetic! The worst this lime could do is cause your hands to get a little dry when you placing the eggs in, so you might want to wear gloves.

Will any eggs work for water glassing?

Nope! You cannot use store bought eggs or eggs you have previously washed. Use the eggs you currently collecting that are CLEAN and unwashed. That protective layer cannot be disturbed. You can start with just a few and add as you get more eggs!

Will the eggs look normal after preserving all that time when you crack them open?

Yes! If they will look just like reguar eggs! The whites should still be very clear.

If you try this give us a tag over on Instagram so we can share in our stories!